Biblical Aramaic Courses

[dropcap type=”circle” color=”#ffffff” background=”#66a3bf”]W[/dropcap]e are excited to announce the opening of a new and unique language course: Biblical Aramaic! Now you can learn this fascinating ancient language and gain a deeper sense for those Biblical prophecies that were originally penned in Aramaic.

Why study Aramaic?

  • Read texts from the original Aramaic sections of the books of Daniel and Ezra
  • Get the original meaning of Biblical prophecies
  • Learn a language that will enrich your understanding of the Biblical Hebrew


The classwork in Level A focuses on reading the Old Testament texts that were written in Aramaic. Over the course of the semester, participants will familiarize themselves with the basic Aramaic nouns and verbal paradigms, and acquire some 200 common Aramaic words. The grammatical topics are taught through the prism of the relevant sections of the Book of Ezra and the Aramaic prophecies in Daniel. The class meets once a week and the students are expected to complete the homework that is assigned after each session.

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