The Jewish Studies Blog

There are tools that are needed to mine the depths of the biblical texts. There are also many perspectives that enrich our study, like the perspective of first century Judaism. This site is one of those rare resources that provides both tools and perspective for the serious student of Scripture.

– Dr. Allen Mawhinney, A Retired Academic Dean, Reformed Theological Seminary

Still About Sukkot

Today we are going to speak about the Torah reading for Shabbat that falls on intermediate days of Sukkot: Exodus 33:12-34:26. Before we do that, however, I would like to clarify some…

Your Joy Will Be Complete

ZMAN SIMCHATEINU Sukkot starts almost immediately after the solemn and sober Days of Awe—the days of trembling and repentance.  We finish the fast of Yom Kippur, and on the same night, we…

Judah, Goats And The Day Of Atonement

TWO GOATS In Leviticus 16, we find a detailed description of the Day of Atonement liturgy at the Tabernacle and Temple:  a sin offering involving two goats.  They were chosen to be…

Shanah Tova!

What is Rosh Hashanah?   Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה‎, “The Head [of] the Year”), the Jewish New Year, is a two-day celebration, which begins on the first day of the Jewish month Tishrei (usually falling…

Who Was Melchizedek?  (3)

“Hidden Savior” Pattern This article concludes our analysis of 11QMelchizedek.  As we have seen in our previous posts, this whole text  presents an eschatological scenario of the coming judgment. In this sense,…

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