Dr. Eli Speaks To Leaders Of House Church Movement In Shanghai, China

Last week I traveled to Shanghai, China for a wonderful vacation with purpose. A part from being able to see how China has grown and experience beautiful hospitality from my friends in Shanghai, I led a mini conference on the Jewish Background of the New Testament for a network of leaders of house church movement. My guest lectures were extremely well received. (Though for most present many concepts I taught were completely new).

China Conference

It was a very profitable time and much has been accomplished. In addition to a wonderful outcome of the conference two Chinese Christian publishing houses offered to translate and publish my upcoming book – “The Jewish Gospel of John: Discovering Jesus, King of All Israel”.

I am now in Beijing (the capital city) where we (I took one of my sons to accompany me on this journey) enjoy 3 days of touring and actual vacation with my friends and hosts here! Here are are some pictures to visualize the events. First picture is taken at the end of the conference and second picture is taken few days ago still in Shanghai, where I gave a guest lecture at a local seminary.

China seminary











About the author

Dr. Eli Lizorkin-EyzenbergTo secure your spot in our new course “The Jewish Background of New Testament” - CLICK HERE NOW

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  1. dudu

    i want to Hebrew

  2. James T. Mace

    Glad to see all went well! I had the church praying for you as we discussed and will give them an update this morning. “King of All Israel” in Chinese–love it! I pray it comes to pass.

  3. Lillie Robinson

    My granddaughter (12), daughter, and I will be in China touring in June. We are very interested in the house churches in China and the exponential growth of Christianity in general. Thanks for sharing. We live in the USA, Kansas City & St Louis, MISSOURI.

  4. catrina

    Beautiful pictures and heart. Thank you!

  5. Charles van den Berg

    Your friends in Holland are very glad for you and your friends there !

    Charles & Neshera

    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      Thank you, Charles!