Happy Holidays From Jewish Studies For Christians (a Message From Dr. Eli)!

Dear friend,

I wanted to wish you a very happy and joyous holiday season!!!!

It was a pleasure to have you as part of Jewish Studies for Christians Study Group in 2013. We have grown from around 400 members to well over 2500 this year!

More importantly we all learned a lot through research and each others comments. Thank you for making this group a wonderful forum for all things Jewish for Christians.

I am looking forward to more exciting interactions with you in 2014.

 In His firm grip,

Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

P.S. For better viewing click HERE.

P.P.S. Did you know that Jan. 1 in church liturgical calendars is the Feast of Circumcision of Christ? This of course happens to be the 8th day after Dec.25 which is considered by most in the Western Church to be the birthday of Jesus. (This is regardless what we may think about the accuracy of the date itself).

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About the author

Dr. Eli Lizorkin-EyzenbergTo secure your spot in our new course “The Jewish Background of New Testament” - CLICK HERE NOW

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  1. Paul Herman

    Hi Eric,

    Very interesting about Ohel and Mishkan.

    There is strong evidence that Yeshua-Jesus was born on Sukkot I and circumcized on Shemini Atzerat/Simchah Torah (Sukkot VIII).

    My categorical statement is that Yeshua-Jesus was not born on December 25th.

    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      yes, I think most of us know that, but I think for most Christian the issue is not the date, but the event.

  2. gustavo vargas angel

    To Paul and Eric, greetings¡ I think that the most important happening in Jesus Christ birth, is, exactly, that:who He was born, no matter if in kislev, nissan, pesach, and with that VERY GOOD NEW, a new hope for people like us, in those days and now, because His words brought to us the real meaning of Tora, as G-d gave to Moses, no with the heavy burden from priests. I believe you must think on that point, which is the reason of His came and the promise for His return. Best for you two.

    1. Rafael

      I don’t understand why so many are so obsessed with His birth. Perhaps because the scripture says so little about it, aside from its fulfillment of scripture. Maybe the mystery is the appeal of it.

      I have my own belief about it. But the NT puts so much more focus on His birth from the dead.