Request Your Free Copy Of A Great Book On Abraham

Shalom, friends!

I am happy to let you know that my friend and colleague Prof. Julia Blum, a well-known Israeli Messianic author, had completed a new book about Abraham and his two sons – Isaac and Ishmael.  She brilliantly and simply called it: “Abraham had two sons”.

The age-old issue of Isaac and Ishmael receives a fresh treatment in this new study of the familiar biblical stories and its ramifications for subsequent history down through the modern times.

Prof. Julia Blum employs Jewish traditional interpretive methods in her exegesis of these stories. Using these methods she challenges some long held traditional views both Jewish and Christian. She has graciously agreed to make this PDF manuscript available to you, my dear friend, in exchange for getting your opinion about the book.

When you are done, be prepared to briefly answer the following questions:

  • Did you like the book?
  • Why is it important?
  • Would you recommend it to others?

To request this free evaluation copy of the book (in PDF), please, write Prof. Julia Blum at Mention to her that Dr. Eli has sent you. She will then send you the attachment of the book for your kind consideration.

Stay engaged very soon more Jewish commentary on Apostle Paul is coming your way, this time rethinking his fascinating and most of the times misunderstood letter to the Christ-followers from the nations working and living in Galatia. 


Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

About the author

Dr. Eli Lizorkin-EyzenbergTo secure your spot in our new course “The Jewish Background of New Testament” - CLICK HERE NOW

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Reclaiming The Biblical Names (2)

By Julia Blum

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    Looking forward to recieving the book on ABRAHAM

  2. Debbie Bever

    Do you has it in NIV vese

    1. Julia Blum

      I have it only in PDF

  3. Errol Abury

    (a) Did you like the book?
    Throughly. It was a most pleasant and divine surprise. Any questions regrading the subject matter–that I just assumed would remain such–have been answered. I am blessed!

    (b) Why is it important?
    Well the whole Middle East thing is a huge issue… on so many levels. The book provides an alternative to the traditional narrative of the Cross. And not ‘alternative’ in the literal sense but rather seeks to explore the subject matter with current world events with fresh manna.

    It was only a few years ago that my grandmother–on my father’s side–revealed that she had Polish Jewish roots. I was somewhat taken aback as I’ve assumed that I was just another ‘Gentile’. That raised other questions but beyond those, given my South African context, the Arab-Jew problems were far away and for others to deal with. Now I’m reconsidering that…

    (c) Would you recommend it to others
    A Big Yes!

    PS. And thank you Julia! Simply awesome!


    I would cherish and read Dr.Blums’s Abraham Had Two sons.

  5. gideon blessing quaye

    God richly bless you the work you are doing

  6. Jane Z. Mazzola

    I would love to read Prof. Blum”s book, & I would be willing to respond to the questions mentioned; however, what time frame is under consideration? I’ll be away & really not have time to do it justice, until @ mid May. If that is do-able, I’ll contact her at the e-mail provided.

    Jane M