Judeo Greek Course
[dropcap type=”circle” color=”#ffffff” background=”#66a3bf”]T[/dropcap]he classroom focuses on reading the New Testament in its original language and the Hebrew Bible in its Greek translation, known as the Septuagint.
Over the course of the semester, students learn the Greek alphabet and its pronunciation, familiarize themselves with the elementary noun and verb paradigms, and acquire a basic vocabulary of words frequently used in these texts.
Grammatical topics and vocabulary are illustrated by original verses, especially from the gospels of Matthew and John and the Book of Genesis, frequently illustrated by Christian and Jewish art of the medieval period and the Renaissance. By the end of the term, students will possess a basic vocabulary, be able to read and pronounce all the letters of the alphabet, and have a working knowledge of the language’s elementary syntactical features. There is special emphasis on the close connection between the two Testaments, both linguistic and literary.
To learn more and to signup, please, CLICK HERE