The Journal Of The Jesus Movement In Its Jewish Setting

Shalom!Loving and Liking People

Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg is here. I am writing to recommend a FREE resource for serious students and scholars of Early Jewish Christian origins. It is called the “Journal of the Jesus Movement in its Jewish Setting” (JJMJS). This a scholarly peer-reviewed journal that I was a part of starting about 5-6 years ago. It’s current editor/s are doing fantastic job! I highly recommend it!

You may visit it right now and start enjoying the articles that will pick your interest! It’s FREE. Click on this link to start –


Current Issue Description

The current issue offers a wealth of approaches and cutting-edge insights to issues that lie at the heart of the purpose of JJMJS. The very concept of ‘religion’ is problematized by Brent Nongbri, who points to the need of reading Paul beyond this type of categorization and shows how things may change when we do. Richard S. Ascough’s study on models for understanding Pauline Christ-groups foregrounds first-century institutional settings (synagogues/associations) in ways that undermine more traditional approaches to the Jesus movement within its Jewish setting. Ralph J. Korner explores Jewish and Graeco-Roman usages of the term ekklesia, usually translated ‘church’ in English bibles, noting how Paul’s use of this word in fact locates his associations socially with Jews, Jewishness, and Judaism. William S. Campbell provides a detailed exegesis of Rom 9:27, leading to fresh conclusions about Paul’s understanding of God’s faithfulness to Israel.

Shifting gears from a focus on a specific author, Paul, who in the first four articles provides a point of departure for refined methodological approaches to the dynamics involved in the intersection between followers of Jesus and other forms of Judaism, to investigations of specific locations where traces of ancient Christ-followers and Jews have been found, Thomas A. Wayment and Matthew J. Grey offers the most detailed and in-depth discussion in English ever published on the intriguing Christianos graffito in Pompeii. Then, moving eastward to Syrian Antioch and the fourth century, Christine Shepardson models a new approach to highly rhetorical Christian and Jewish texts as she reconstructs Jewish life in this city between polemics and propaganda. Finally, Miriam DeCock provides an in-depth reading of Daniel Boyarin’s recent controversial book The Jewish Gospels, pointing to key issues raised by the book which are in need of further study.



About the author

Dr. Eli Lizorkin-EyzenbergTo secure your spot in our new course “The Jewish Background of New Testament” - CLICK HERE NOW

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  1. Sara Cecilia

    Splendid! I have not covered it though – as I exclusively choose the review of Prof. Daniel Boyarin.

    The word ’remain’ (Sh’mot 14:31; D’vrey Hayamim Beth 20:20) is food for thought these days, especially as it is found in the books of Yochanan the Emissary. Remain is back-to-basics compared to the swedish ‘tro’ (believe/have faith/regard as real) which has given name to a, in my experience, confusing theology (and dr. Mikael Tellbe of the JJMJS might agree). Nevertheless the concept has, when found in the writings of Yochanan, been translated with the swedish ‘förbli’ which fits well into the description of The Vine and the branches.

    This long introduction to my question may not be necessary, ’cause I only want to ask about your thoughts concerning the HHH – the Hebrew translation rather than the Swedish.

    Wanting to remain in Our Lord Yeshua,

    Sara Cecilia

    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      This John 15:4 – עליכם לקשור את חייכם בח is a contemporary translation, using the modern Hebrew vernacular. Delitzch says is simpler in ancient Hebrew more typical of that day – עמדו־בי ואני בכם

      1. Sara Cecilia



        Sara Cecilia

  2. Kat H

    I have been struggling to apply my understanding of your commentary of the Jewish Gospel of John to more recent studies. Wrapping my mind around my own different versions was maddening 🙂 This has been an eye opening tool.

  3. Sha'ul has written the same as you have suggested here, great understanding.

  4. jane z. mazzola

    Operative admonition (to me :)) = brevity+content =
    Sincere thought always
    Happy Hanukkah &
    Prayerful blessings for
    Celebration of the Messiah’s Birth.
    Jane Mazzola

    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      Amen and to you as well!