Not In God’s Name: Confronting Religious Violence By Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

Not in God's Name

I am getting ready to go to (some say well-deserved) vacation and I decided to share with you my personal reading plan for the next several weeks. I’ve been reading an excellent book by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks and I hope to finish it as I travel. Here is the link to his site, perhaps, you too would want to join me and many others on this intellectual and spiritual journey (watch the video on the right):

Not in God’s Name: Confronting Religious Violence

The book is full of fascinating insights relating to the current world crisis, having to do with horrible religious violence taking place now in many parts of the world. While it is certainly an intellectual work, it is clearly written and makes you keep on turning the pages.

I would love to hear from you on this forum. What have you been reading? What books did you find worth your time this year?

(Keep in mind I will not be able to respond, but I will read all the comments as time permits!)

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks is a global religious leader, philosopher, the author of more than 25 books, and moral voice for our time. Until 1st September 2013 he served as Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, having held the position for 22 years.





About the author

Dr. Eli Lizorkin-EyzenbergTo secure your spot in our new course “The Jewish Background of New Testament” - CLICK HERE NOW

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  1. jun

    Hi Eli,
    How can I have a copy of the book?

    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      look for it on

  2. jane z. mazzola

    I shall recommend one book I’m reading that maybe parallels Rabbi Lord Sacks’ book from a modern history & politics perspective is Michael B. Oren’s POWER, FAITH, and FANTASY: America in the Middle East 1776 to the Present. I’ve read him before. Fascinating writer of history, thorough research, & amazing bibliography. Sr. fellow @ Shalem Center, also Harvard & Yale.
    2 other writers& anything they write so far, whom I’ve heard speak also, are Ravi Zacharias, Indian(sub-continent)-Am, Christian philosopher/apologist; & Eric Metaxas, host of “Socrates of the City”(NYC) (Rabbi Lord Sacks has been one of his guests), & author of Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, another excellent read of modern history, painful. Another writer is Dr. Amy-Jill Levine & her Short Stories by JESUS: The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi. She also has a delicious sense of humor! I have some of her lectures on Great Courses, too. That lists a few I would recommend to anyone. Blessings & peace to all, Jane M

  3. emma hardie

    This year ive read the will of God in prayer by kenneth hagin. Two kinds of righteousness by e w kenyon. Bible doctrines by p c nelson. The fourth dimension by yonghi cho. Still reading ur gospel of john book. And ive read lots of frank peretti christian fiction. About five of them just for relaxing. Be blessed when ur away have a good rest !

  4. Kat H

    Dr Eli, the idea of Jewish Christian relations was new to me before this site and has already had a wonderful impact on my family. Yesterday my Christian husband was asked how he spiritually led his wife (I had told him a while back the word used to describe my background was a form of Judaism.) My husband without hesitating said that he and I had different backgrounds and we discussed our perspectives. Thank you Israel.

    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      Thank you, Kat and others! I am on vacation now but am enjoying your comments nevertheless! Blessings and peace, Eli

  5. jane z. mazzola

    Dear Dr. Eli,
    For myself this year, since my trip to Israel last October, much reading has revolved @ this erudite & wise blog/post that I discovered. I don’t know how: an advertising pop-up, I suppose. However, my thoughts @ it are to quote a favorite oratorio recitative, “Why, oh Lord, why, did I wait so long?” So I had much “catch-up” reading to include sidebars, library resources, etc. Of course, your book on the Jewish Gospel of John has been a favorite read, and also, the classes that I have begun w/ eTeacher.

    I recently considered this book by Rabbi Lord Sachs, but decided it seemed a little depressing & selected different reads; however, based on your recommendation, I’ll reconsider it.

    Other reads of mine this year, while of non-fiction importance for multiple reasons to me, may be too pedestrian to be considered here or take too long. A different venue I like, however, is “The Great”, from which I can order a variety of subjects by some of the “best college professors here” (the hype!) (I have not seen any of international institutions yet) in audio, visual DVD, downloads, & streaming to various electronic devices.

    May you have a truly rest & recreation vacation in safe surroundings! Blessings,
    Jane M

    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      Thank you, Jane. The in God’s Name is full of insight (not depressing at all) well to my mind :-). Blessings, Eli

  6. Ioanna

    Eli ,
    thank you for doing this work sending me all of your themes and topics about N.T. and other topics from the O.T. I have been inspired learnt, more caused me to do research myself and I have shared some of them in my Christian group. I learnt about Aphrahat sage in my research and about other dedicated believers that have inspired my life for becoming more dedicated to God.
    God bless you and I read all of your mail sending with great respect and interest.

    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      Let’s keep learning together

  7. Sonia Willats

    Not a direct answer to your question, Dr Eli, but to endorse that we listen to (and read) Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’ COVENANT & CONVERSATION every week. His discussion of the weekly biblical text is inspiring and though-provoking.. we think of him as ‘our rabbi.’ It can be downloaded in English and Hebrew, but now other languages as well.

    Have a wonderful holiday, Dr Eli.

    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      Thanks, good to know.

  8. Pauline Meek

    I have read other books by Jonathan Sacks – a wise and truly good man, was “our” Chief Rabbi in the UK for many years. Thank you for recommending this book – I look forward to getting hold of a copy.

    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      You are welcome

  9. Oded

    I am reading Antiquities of the Jews [by Josephus]. And I am also reading your Mphil about the Sabbath between Testaments. And your Commentary to the Book of John.. Of cause I intend to revert back to the Commentary of Rashi soonest!

  10. Arend

    Enjoy you vacation and a blessed spiritual retreat