Recent Update From Dr. Eli Lizorkin-eyzenberg (jewish Studies For Christians)

Shalom, friends!

I wanted to take some time to update you on what is going at Jewish Studies for Christians.


1) We have grown to almost 4000 study group members as we continue to study together all things in Jewish Studies that are relevant to Christians, bridging the gap between the university, the seminary and the church. (Right now, we already are the largest group of Christians and seekers in the world engaged in the study of the Jewish Studies).

2) We have been professionally recording a series of Biblical Hebrew and historical insights that will be released for wide circulation via various youtube channels. (I am presenting working on the script for “Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament: What do we know now, that we did not know before.”)

3) I am finishing up a new book that soon will be released called “Jesus of Israel: Rereading the Gospel of John in the light of Jewish Studies.” It now is going through editing and illustration process. (If you get hold of the copy, I guarantee it that you will be thrilled to walk together with me through this exciting journey!)

4) The Jewish Background of the New Testament course online that eTeacherGroup will offer (I am the lecturer) will open registration in the end of April. (A lot of people are excited about it. This course is not free, but it is confirmed that participants will receive 50% off from eTeacherBiblical regular course offerings. More info CLICK HERE).


1) If you available to do some data entry and if you have 3-4 hours per week to dedicate to it, please let me know. I need two volunteers for this simple and yet crucial task.

2) If you happen to know a lot and have some time to help me about online optimization of our web pages to create more organic traffic, please, let me know.

3) If you love our study group and if you happened to know both English and Russian, let me know if you would be willing to volunteer to help with translation. We are preparing to add Russian version of the site.

Do kindly drop me a note if you are willing to help with any of this. You can email me about it at

I am so excited about what God is doing in the hearts of the Church through our study group. I trust you are as well.

In His Firm Grip,

Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

About the author

Dr. Eli Lizorkin-EyzenbergTo secure your spot in our new course “The Jewish Background of New Testament” - CLICK HERE NOW

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  1. gustavo vargas angel

    Dear Dr.: Some time ago, there was two offers about the study : one with money and the other with no money, what is what? Is the first one better than the other? I need to know, so I could take one . Best for you.

    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      Gustavo tuition free is this. Our study group where were read, comment and interact. The class that will be available later will be done via webconferencing live with me and around 20-30 others. Where I will lecture and you interact with people verbally live from Israel. I am not sure yet that this class will be available to those who were not already eteacherbiblical students of Hebrew. That the academy is still deciding.