News: “the Jewish Background Of New Testament” Course Is To Be Offered Starting Feb.2014













Course Description:

Jewish (or Judaic) studies is an academic discipline centered on the study of Jews and Judaism. Jewish studies is interdisciplinary and combines aspects of history (especially Jewish history), Middle Eastern studies, theological studies, archeology, literature, sociology and linguistics. This course will cover topics of particular interest and relevancy to Christian community worldwide.

How often: Once a week.

Lecture time: 1.5 hours.

Length of course: 2.5 months.

Recordings of missed sessions: available

Tuition: to be determined

Some examples of lecture titles:

1)      A Parallel Survey Jewish and Christian histories

2)      Judaism and Christianity: Mother-daughter or siblings?

3)      A survey of First Century Jewish movements: Who is who and why?

4)      Para-Biblical Jewish Literature: How should it be used?

5)      Jewish Studies and the Book of Acts: Early Jewish Christian movement

6)      John’s Gospel: Why is this Israelite Gospel seem anti-Jewish?

7)      John’s Gospel: ReThinking the Samaritan Woman and Israelite Samaritans

8)      John’s Gospel: Recovering the historicity and Jewishness of Jesus

9)      Jewish Studies and Paul: The vision for the worldwide kingdom of Israel

10)  Jewish Studies and Paul: Paul’s Case for the Jews and their God

11)  How to read New Testament as Jewish Literature

12)   Jewish-Christians Relations, Dialogue and Interaction: Is there hope?


About the author

Dr. Eli Lizorkin-EyzenbergTo secure your spot in our new course “The Jewish Background of New Testament” - CLICK HERE NOW

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  1. David Mitts

    Sounds great

  2. Nancy Arevalo

    I think this is a great idea! I’d like my son and daughter to participate, as well.

  3. Ester Blomerus

    I think it’s great!!! Would like to know the fees. BUT excellent!

    1. Marelle theron

      Ester Blomerus are you from SA??

      1. Ester Blomerus

        Yes! Have we perhaps met somewhere? All the very best! But there are more than one Ester, I think. I am from the Southern Cape.

  4. Peter Carter

    Count me in, is there a cost involved or is this to be run as a MOOC?

    If the course meets the expectations that the blog has given then it will be Lind blowingly good.


  5. Graça Lütz

    I think this course seems very interesting.

  6. Jane Kimpan

    I am interested in taking the course. The final decision is dependent upon the tuition.

  7. Gary Adams

    This sounds like a very good course. Thank you for offering such studies. I will be interested in how much tuition will be and also was curious to know if any form of college credits are available by taking the course.

    Thank you.

    Shalom my friends.

  8. CBrown

    Personally, I would be interested. For me it’s about knowing more. Cost is a major issue for me. therefore, I hope it’s affordable and taught in a manner that is understandable.

  9. Peter Michael Thornber

    A very good and exciting idea, I think.

  10. Alyson

    Sounds very interesting – please keep us posted when we can learn more details about cost and when it will be offered!