The Holy Land Studies Blog

This is a wonderful blog. It is accurate with respect to the Jewish Studies and sympathetic both to self-identified Jews and Christians. I highly recommend it.

– Prof. Daniel Boyarin, Professor of Talmudic Culture, University of California at Berkeley

Where Angels Fear To Tread

For many of us, the word “angel” conjures up an image of a perfect divine creature who offers us spiritual guidance. An angel is the essence of selflessness and generosity. In English,…

The Fishing Tower

In this post, I would like to introduce you to Magdala, one of the most famous sites on the shores of the Sea of Galilee mentioned in the Gospels. What makes Magdala so unique…

The Paraclete

  The Gospel of John uses a unique word to describe the Holy Spirit: the Advocate. For example: “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name,…

Pharaoh’s Unbendable Heart

Among the best known stories in the Hebrew Bible is the account of the Ten Plagues, described in Exodus chapters 6-12. This series of increasingly nasty afflictions is meant to persuade Pharaoh to release the…

Breaking The Silence With A New Song

The Hebrew Bible is full of poetic language that to be truly savored must be read – preferably aloud – in the original Hebrew. Nowhere can the music of Biblical Hebrew be…

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