Beijing: The Jewish Cultural Context Of The New Testament Lectures By Dr. Lizorkin-eyzenberg

Beijing 2015 2Beijing 2015

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Dr. Eli Lizorkin-EyzenbergTo secure your spot in our new course “The Jewish Background of New Testament” - CLICK HERE NOW

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  1. Glor

    Amazing what God is doing in China.

  2. Roy Case

    May God bless you abundantly for taking His words to China.

  3. Fred Aguelo

    May Avinu Malkinu bless you abundantly for proclaiming the Good News to China!


  4. José Hélder Saraiva Bacurau

    D’US continue a te abençoar Dr Eli, seus estudos são bençãos !

  5. Ronal Cota

    It was doubled crowded, dull of people: first, becouse of your listeners, all of then were blessing of Lord and moved there not by themselves or by the Holy Spirit of Jehova; second, because the presence of Lord was there, all the time, taking you and sharing reasons to believe….

  6. J Collins Meek, PhD

    Hi Eli, I am so glad that the obvious is finally being promulgated by you: that those who first accepted the Gospel of Jesus Christ were Jews. Agape, Doc Meek, South Jordan, Utah, USA, and Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada

  7. Dr Howard Barnes

    Bless you Dr Eli. This is wonderful!
    We, as a ministry and I personally, remain in prayer for you and all you are doing in these exciting days for our King Jesus. Dr Howard Barnes…Director

  8. Doug Barnes

    Praise God for another fruitful trip. Blessings. Doug

  9. Alida van Deventer

    Thank you for sharing this feedback with us. May the Lord continue to bless you and protect you as you share insights into the New testament with far away people. I am halfway through your book and I am so glad that it confirms some thoughts and also answers to many of the questions I still had sitting in the back of my mind. Alida

  10. marcia higgins

    This must have been a truly great experience for you and what a blessing to the people with whom you shared your knowledge and insight. I pray that you will continue to be a blessing.