Dr. Eli’s Daughter Lana (11 Years Old) Publishes Her First Poem

Lana Lizorkin's first poemThis is one of my daughter’s first poems. I love it, I think you may like it too. (In Hebrew this piece is written out in acrostic that spells my daughter first and last name!).






I love to laugh
I also like to dance
My favorite season is spring

I like to blossom together with it
I know how to enjoy this blossoming too
This is my great joy

I am like a flower dancing in the wind
I am dancing and dreaming
Lite like a bird, knowing how to make friends happy
Nice and ready to always help.

ליצחוק אני אוהבת
נחמד לי גם לירקוד
העונה האהובה עלי היא אביב

לפרוח ביחד איתה נעים לי
יודעת אני ליהנות מהפריחה
זאת שמחה גדולה בשבילי
ואני כמו פרח רוקד ברוח
רוקדת וחולמת

קלה כמו ציפור
יודעת לשמח חברים
נאמנה ועוזרת תמיד

Me encanta reír
También me gusta bailar
Mi estación preferida es la primavera

Me gusta florecer junto a ella
Sé cómo disfrutar también de este florecimiento
Es mi gran alegría

Soy como una flor bailando en el viento
Estoy bailando y soñando
Liviana como un pájaro, sabiendo cómo hacer feliz a los amigos
Agradable y dispuesta a ayudar siempre.

© Lana Lizorkin (2013). All rights reserved.


About the author

Dr. Eli Lizorkin-EyzenbergTo secure your spot in our new course “The Jewish Background of New Testament” - CLICK HERE NOW

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  1. Fred Aguelo

    Indeed, you are like a flower, Lana, blossoming; but one will neber appreciate your beauty unless he stops to observe you. Never lose your childlike innocence. Keep it up!

  2. Drs. Charles van den Berg

    Lana, this is really hearth whole nice. It makes me dancing and dreaming.

  3. Al Mawhinney

    Lana, Always dance. Always love. Always live. Always laugh. May God give you blossoms that you have not yet dreamed of.

  4. Connie Douty

    Dearest Lana, The world needs more of your poetry. It is refreshing like spring blossoms after a soft rain on Gods glorious gift o colors and scents. May your lively beautiful spirt continue to dance and sing for the world to see and hear.

  5. joyce-mary

    What a lovely spirit in tune with nature. May Lana continue to dance and sing, may her life be filled with laughter and love and may Adonai bless her and keep her and make His face to shine on her,

    Thank you, Dr. Eli, for sharing her giftedness and innocence.

  6. R

    “I know how to enjoy this blossoming too, this is my great joy!”
    Dear Lana, I don’t know how old you are, but I’d like you to know that today this was a word spoken right to the heart of a tired 50 year old lady who struggles with illness and had forgotten how to take joy in being the person God created her to be and in the creation He has made. She had grown stressed and worried and harried, her brow too often furrowed as she tried harder to measure up. This line has great truth in it. Thank you and I thank our Lord too, for reminding me that the fruit of God’s Spirit is also joy. We need only rest in His work for us and in us. Thank you.

  7. marinete

    how beautful!Dr. ELI, comgratulations for having such a talent daughter

  8. marinete

    Que lindo , Dr. ELI! parabens, por ter uma filha tão talentosa.

  9. Daniel

    Is amazing for your age, the Eternal bless you !!
    Es increíble para tu edad, que el Eterno te bendiga !!

  10. Fr. Placyd Kon

    Thank you, Eli, for sharing it with us!