News: “the Jewish Background Of New Testament” Course Is To Be Offered Starting Feb.2014













Course Description:

Jewish (or Judaic) studies is an academic discipline centered on the study of Jews and Judaism. Jewish studies is interdisciplinary and combines aspects of history (especially Jewish history), Middle Eastern studies, theological studies, archeology, literature, sociology and linguistics. This course will cover topics of particular interest and relevancy to Christian community worldwide.

How often: Once a week.

Lecture time: 1.5 hours.

Length of course: 2.5 months.

Recordings of missed sessions: available

Tuition: to be determined

Some examples of lecture titles:

1)      A Parallel Survey Jewish and Christian histories

2)      Judaism and Christianity: Mother-daughter or siblings?

3)      A survey of First Century Jewish movements: Who is who and why?

4)      Para-Biblical Jewish Literature: How should it be used?

5)      Jewish Studies and the Book of Acts: Early Jewish Christian movement

6)      John’s Gospel: Why is this Israelite Gospel seem anti-Jewish?

7)      John’s Gospel: ReThinking the Samaritan Woman and Israelite Samaritans

8)      John’s Gospel: Recovering the historicity and Jewishness of Jesus

9)      Jewish Studies and Paul: The vision for the worldwide kingdom of Israel

10)  Jewish Studies and Paul: Paul’s Case for the Jews and their God

11)  How to read New Testament as Jewish Literature

12)   Jewish-Christians Relations, Dialogue and Interaction: Is there hope?


About the author

Dr. Eli Lizorkin-EyzenbergTo secure your spot in our new course “The Jewish Background of New Testament” - CLICK HERE NOW

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  1. laura

    I would like to take the course, depending on costs and possible transferable college credits. Thank you!

  2. Rev. Marilyn J. Gebert

    I am very interested in this course. Please let me know more details as you can. I have certainly
    enjoyed studying Hebrew with ebiblical for several years.

  3. Daniel

    Your blog is very interesting, i receive your mails every week and are a treasure of knowledge, i’m sorry that can’t always read all of them, because is difficult to me read in english. When can we know de price and conditions of this seminar in january?

    Su blog es muy interesante y recibo sus correos cada semana, son un tesoro de conocimiento bíblico. Siento no poder leerlos todos pero los guardo para poder revisarlos con más tiempo, ya que me cuesta leer en inglés. ¿Cuándo sabremos más de precio y condiciones de su seminario en enero?

  4. Daniel J. Hopkinson, Sr.

    Please keep me informed of the specifics on this course entitled, ‘Introduction to Jewish Studies for Christians’ including any tuition and/or other costs, as I am not one of your students.

    Thank you.

  5. Kerry

    Well done this is very exciting! I have been enjoying our bible studies a lot. I look forward to hearing more about this course.

  6. Elaine Chapman-Smith

    This sounds like a really great course. I just wish that I could afford to do it.

  7. Susan

    I think it is wonderful that we get more bang for our buck with ETeacher. I love that I am learning the language and also have opportunity to learn more about Jewish religion, culture, Israel, etc.

  8. Ruth Brooks

    Sounds fabulous. Would love to participate.

  9. José Raúl Gandarilla

    Shalom. Siempre será de interés las relaciones que a raíz de la religión se hacen necesarios entre judíos y cristianos, pues mutuamente se guardan recelo, cuando al final estarán juntos pues uno es extensión del primero. ¿Cómo serán libradas las diferencias entre estos dos pueblos en un futuro no lejano?. Aguardamos sean fijadas las condiciones del Curso.

  10. Cindy

    Sign me up! I’m definitely interested!