What does “Offering” mean in Hebrew?
Offering to God has been a major part of Israel’s faith tradition. The laws governing these activities are carefully spelled out and elaborated.
But what Hebrew word is used to delineate our concept of offering?
The word for offering is קָרְבָּן (pronounced: korban). It is a fascinating word. Its root is ק-ר-ב.
There many words in Hebrew with exactly the same root. By comparing them we can discover the shades of meaning that, otherwise, go unnoticed by us.
For example the verb “to offer/to sacrifice” is להקריב (pronounced: lehakriv), while the verb “to draw near” is להתקרב (pronounced: lehitkarev). When we describe a family connection we use a phrase – קרוב-משפחה (pronounced: Krov Mishpaha) to translate a word “relative”. This is similar to the word we use for telescope (something that gets us closer to the object we are viewing from afar) – מקרבת (pronounced: makrevet).
Hi . I came across a script that suggests that offering could also mean that which is above the tithe
I have been told that the word translated into English as “offering” has a symbolic meaning of “bring near”. In Exodus 6:9, this would mean the verse could read, “This is the law of the burnt offering”, “This is the law of the burnt sacrifice”, or even, “This is the law of the burnt atonement”.
Are these all possible translations of korban?
Dr. Eli, are you a supporter of the Hebrew Roots movement? If so, why? Thank you so much
I am a friend, yes. Supporter? Only in part. You should read my upcoming book to know why :-). Jewish Gospel of John. Available in 2 weeks or so.
Fantastic Dr Eli I am learning so much I pray Hashem will grant me enough funds to study with you in The land one day
Dear Yakov, thank you for writing. Whether or not you will have funding to study in person you can always follow me and interact occasionally on this study blog! Brachot, Dr. Eli
Dear dr. Eli
Thank you. I appreciate your work. We have oltars and giving few of 49 offerings from Hebrew Scripture like thanksgiving for what God done for us, or like seed for some of our personal promisse in which person believe (zebach shelem-im) etc. And in our local congregation, when Lord 2008. called our Pastor to back us all on Hebrew roots. we are now Messianic congregation, celebrating God’s Feasts,how He Himself calling them in Tora and will be celebrating in Millenium, when Jerusalem will be Throne of God and there will be according the book of Zachariach and Ezekiel House of God of Israel His people. We are fullfilment of Jacob’s (israel’s) prophecy about the end of days concerning seed of Ephraim (melo ha goy-im) and prophecy in book of Ezekiel 37th, one new man, from Romans 11th and Ephesians 2nd chapter.
What I saw and before many words in Croatian language have Hebrew or Aramaic background. When you wrote about family conection and phrase “Krov Mishpaha” I want that you know that word “Krov” means “roof or cap” in Croatian language and it is closly conected with family relatives and with intimacy of the House of God, Sadly statistic showed that book of Leviticus or 3rd book of Mose, Vayikra on Hebrew is book which Christian’s reading minimal of all books of Bible and Leviticus is today alive and can be creativley used by Holy Spirit for our benefite. Significant sing is that my comment is first about this amazing Hebrew word “korban”, to come near to Creator through thanksgiving or through seed of offering like is kind of offering (zebach shelem-im) for any part of life in which we need His shalom and His life, we can come closer to God through our offer and God Himself for “peace offering” or Hebrew “zebach shelem-im” in Leviticus 3.17 mentoined :”It is eternal statute in every dwelling place where you will be in all generations. In very begining of Leviticus 1.2 God said: “If any of you (“adam”) bring (“karav”) an offering(“korban”) unto the LORD (JHWH) you shall bring(“karav” your offering(“kurban”)…..” If any of you wants to come near to me can come near through offering. Amen.
Kristijan M.