The Jewish Gospel Of John

Book Cover Banner Small JGJThe Gospel of John is clearly one of the most favorite books of the Bible. But for its careful readers one question remained illusive for almost two millennia: How can this beloved Gospel read so anti-Jewish and pro-Jewish all at the same time? For example, only in this Gospel Jesus’ enemies are called “the Jews”, while only in this Gospel Jesus states that salvation is from “the Jews”.

“The Jewish Gospel of John: Discovering Jesus, the Kings of All Israel” book that has been 4 years in the making is now available (CLICK HERE).

If you are interested to receive this book free of charge and can commit to what I requests, please, email me back! (It will be another 7-10 days until you get it, but when you do be ready – it is a very exciting read! Only 10 spots are available on this team.) The book is about 200 of text and 100 pages of beautiful hand-drawn images that illustrate it. Please, write me at

About the author

Dr. Eli Lizorkin-EyzenbergTo secure your spot in our new course “The Jewish Background of New Testament” - CLICK HERE NOW

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