What Is The Throne Of Satan?

12 “And to the angel of the church in Pergamum write: ‘The words of him who has the sharp two-edged sword. 13 “‘I know where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is.

Pergamum was a city that prided itself on several temples dedicated to the Roman Imperial cult. In the Roman period, the city of Pergamum, a former administrative capital of Asia Minor that later was moved to Ephesus, became a flag ship for Roman patriotism expressed in religious devotion. As with most major Greek cities, Pergamum boasted a theater, stadium, library and a healing center of Asclepius among the other buildings that were part of normal life in the Greco-Roman world.

The healing center (Asclepion) in Pergamum, considered to be the headquarters, was a part of a very large network of healing centers throughout the Roman Empire. For many years Galen, the most well-known physician in the Roman Empire and personal physician of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, worked in this Asclepion. The Pergamum library was considered second only to the world-famous library in Alexandra. The Pergamum library boasted, according to Plutarch, more than 200,000 volumes. Another account states that Marc Anthony, a Roman military commander, bequeathed the collection to Cleopatra as a reimbursement for the total destruction of the library of Alexandria’s by Julius Caesar.

Other than temples to emperors and even to the goddess Roma, the city held the high honor of hosting and maintaining a temple to Zeus – Father of all gods and man and the ruler of Olympians on Mt. Olympia in accordance with ancient Greek beliefs. Zeus was closely associated with the Roman deity Jupiter whose name means the sky or literally the “heavenly father” god. The altar to Zeus was one of the most impressive structures in Pergamum. The altar’s stairs, columns, and sculptured sides once stood forty feet (12 meters) high. Today, only the steps around the altar’s base can be seen in the Pergamum museum in Berlin. The sides of the altar were ornamented with marble panels depicting a mythical battle between Greek gods and rebellious giants who were the sons of Mother Earth.

Many have suggested that this altar to Zeus is what is meant by the throne of Satan in vs. 13. But there exist a number of other possibilities – such as the Asclepius cult headquarters or a concentration of the Imperial and Roman cult in that city. As was mentioned earlier, in Roman antiquity, the image of a sword and especially a double-edged sword was highly symbolic. So, in this city, it can truly be said that it hosted the throne of Satan, the symbol of Roman Imperial authority and rule. Christ introduced himself to the assembly of the follows of Israel’s God in Christ as “the one who has the sharp two-edged sword.” If the above identification of the throne of Satan as Roman imperial cult is correct than it would make a perfect sense for Christ here to be presented as someone with the authority of the double-edged sword.

Yet you hold fast my name, and you did not deny my faith even in the days of Antipas my faithful witness, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.

Not much is known about the person Antipas in this passage. Later Christian tradition holds that he was ordained as the bishop of Pergamum by the Apostle John, just as was Polycarp in the city of Smyrna. The tradition also holds that he was boiled alive in a bronze kettle that resembled a bull. This first century account comes from much later Christian martyrology accounts of questionable reliability. What can safely be assumed is that by the end of the first century, when the letter of Revelation was being written, the martyrdom of Antipas already took place. It was still a fresh memory in the minds of the Christ-followers of Pergamum. No doubt, Antipas met his destiny, embracing death because he was not willing to honor and sacrifice to pagan gods. Only one God can be worshiped and adored.

14 But I have a few things against you: you have some there who hold the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, so that they might eat food sacrificed to idols and practice sexual immorality. 15 So also you have some who hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans. 16 Therefore repent. If not, I will come to you soon and war against them with the sword of my mouth.

In the section about the congregation in the city of Ephesus, we discussed the evil deeds and teachings of Nicolaitans. The most probable explanation is that the Nicolaitans were followers of the movement, dubbed Nokhal among early Christ-followers. Nokhal in Hebrew means “We will eat,” in this case referring to meat that was sacrificed to Greco-Roman Gods.

Nicolaitans of vs. 15 are connected with the evil Balaam and Balak. Their strategy to undermine Israel was the same. They wanted Israelites to worship Baal Peor. The main attraction was the sexual orgies that accompanied such worship. We read in Num. 25:1-5:

“While Israel remained at Shittim, the people began to play the harlot with the daughters of Moab. 2 For they invited the people to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people ate and bowed down to their gods. 3 So Israel joined themselves to Baal Peor, and the Lord was angry against Israel. 4 The Lord said to Moses, ‘Take all the leaders of the people and execute them in broad daylight before the Lord, so that the fierce anger of the Lord may turn away from Israel.’ 5 So Moses said to the judges of Israel, ‘Each of you slay his men who have joined themselves to Baal of Peor.’”

Christ called the assembly in Pergamum that tolerated in its mix those who both professed Christ and ate meat sacrificed to Roman gods, to repent. Christ the King threatened them with his soon-approaching judgment, calling them to finally make a choice between the God of Israel and the gods of the Roman Empire.

About the author

Dr. Eli Lizorkin-EyzenbergTo secure your spot in our new course “The Jewish Background of New Testament” - CLICK HERE NOW

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  1. Darryl Joseph Spears

    Studying about Rh negative blood line and Revelation chapter 2 ” Seat of Satan”

    Does anyone else relate ?
    I’ve been in a way with Alpha Omega and I’m learning .
    Also I live in area where History was made and is in the making
    Born up at the ” North Star ”
    Some of the Biblical accounts
    Like the shining ones and the Native Eskimos
    Native American Indians
    The story of the Conquistadors Galveston Island Texas and Madagorda bay relate to the actual truth about The Author of us all
    They used Oil – Bear and Alligator oil for protection and then we have the true life accounts of teachings from Angels – I’ve been blessed to witness firsthand
    Reminds of the one of the Gospels ( John ) Christ saw Nathaniel under a tree.
    What did he say to Nathaniel ?
    My photos I have do not lie
    I’m a loving witness ( living ),
    Blessed be GOD for ever
    The scriptures are very real and true. Amen
    Im still learning . Please don’t take anything I’ve said in Text out of Context it’s only for helpful and useful information My mind is blown about Ancient Aliens and Origins
    Angels where made in Heaven
    Everything is in line with the true story Genius chapter “6” Nephilum Accounts.
    Acts chapter Seven and the Story of Moses and Aron all are something we should believe in because it’s the same thing I am witness to as well . GOD bless and have a good day.

  2. Thomas saul

    Asclepion is Satan if he’s not then Hermes is.
    (Revelation 18:23)” And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”
    The greek god Hermes is the patron god of magic who protects merchants and carries the magic caduceus. The Caduceus can also be found on baphomets stomach. The caduceus is the symbol of merchants commonly mistaken as the Rod of Asclepius, a pagan symbol that represents pharma.
    Revelation 2:13 – “I know where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is.” Yeshua is talking about Pergamum.
    The site in Pergamon was founded in the 4 th Century BC Asclepion of Pergamum became one of the most famous ancient healing centers and the world’s first psychiatric hospitals.
    In greek Sorcery is pharmakeia aka pharmacy. strong’s concordance 5331 pharmakeia. The greek translation of the old testament is called the SEPTUAGINT. The septuagint was translated in Alexandria Egypt around the third century bce. The Septuagint would have used the word pharmakeia not sorcery. Greek Jews and early Christian’s would have known this. Even Christ Yeshua would have been aware of the greek translation of the old testament and the word pharmakeia. I really don’t think Zeus was Satan because he destroyed Asclepius with a thunder bolt for reanimating the dead with pharmakeia. I believe the Greek myths are a perversion of the truth that’s why father god hated it .it made him look like a rapist and womaniser and many other things that were not true. Iupiter preferred the Hebrew method of worshipping him because it was the truth. Tzedek is Hebrew for Iupiter
    and righteousness . The God of Abraham and melchizedek was Iupiter. Melchizedek literally means my king is Iupiter aka Jove .the j in Jove is a yah pronounced Yahove. Jupiter was considered to be just and righteous. I’m curious as to why Moses had a bronze rod of asclepius made then later it was considered an idol. Did Hermes hijack the Isrealites from the father god ? In the bible the word righteous can be replaced with Jupiter. My personal opinion is Saturn tried to hijack Abraham from Iupiter but he failed. I believe the isrealites were hijacked by Shabbatai aka Saturn. the Isrealites were bound to the commandments under threat of death Saturn is the god of death. Saturn is the god of binding. Why did the God of Moses use serpent symbolisim? Zeus fought a giant winged serpent in the myths and the serpent is the enemy of father god in the bible. If the bull is a symbol of Jove then it makes sense why the jealous God of death hated it. Did Yahpater incarnated as Yeshua to cancel the binding laws of Shabbatai and free the Isrealites from Shabbatai laws. If this is true Yeshua and Iupiter are the son of God Saturn/Shabbatai. Look around you will see there’s plenty of Saturn worship and symbolism in the world.

  3. Geri Ungurean

    Shalom, Dr. Eyzenberg,

    I am a fellow Jewish believer in Yeshua. My maiden name was Rosenberg. I am a freelance writer. Today I wrote a piece on the letters from Yeshua to the 7 churches. I titled the article:

    “If Jesus Wrote a Letter to Your Church – What would He say?”


    Much love in Yeshua,
    Geri Ungurean

  4. aike aizion

    I have been to israel twice to explore the hebrew roots of my faith in Yeshua The Messiah.
    It was the discovery of my life that Jesus was jewish . To learn the bible from the hebraic perspective
    is awesomely incredible and very satisfying. I continue to study messianic judaism till to this day.
    Todah rabbah for this site. May Adonai enrich you more with wisdom and prosperity.
    broaike@yahoo.com aike ayzon Manila Philippines. +639283563030

    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      Shalom Aike. We are glad you came to study with us. I hope that articles on the blog are helpful to you.


    that was wonderfully amazing reading about the truth and meaning behind the words in the BIBLE.
    It just draws one closer to YESHUA . I had that feeling when I visited the HOLY LAND and now there is teaching to make it more clear Thank you Dr ELI

    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      Welcome to our forum, Prema! Dr. Eli

  6. william harris

    Very interesting!

  7. nelson abaku

    Glory be to God for the way you are opening my mind to get to understand a book that seemed to be a mystery to me. Please, explore more

    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      Thank you, Nelson! Blessings, Dr. Eli

  8. David benGedaliah

    To Shiela:
    Traditional kashrut, which is the product of rabbinic thought, separates milk and meat. Scripture has only three references which can be applied (Ex 23:19; Ex 34:26; De 14:21). None of these reference relates to the general mixing of milk and meat. Rather, they are related to a pagan practice which denigrates the God-ordained importance of the fruit of the body, and specifically the first-born. While it is important not to dishonor those who believe against mixing milk and meat, it is not a Scriptural mandate. See my other comment to Renee.

    To Renee:
    You may have been confused by popular Christian teaching.

    1. Paul did not teach that we were freed from Torah (which is instruction, not law as most translations render it ). He taught that we, as believers in Yeshua, were freed from “the law” of sin and death.

    2. Kefa (Peter) was shown a sheet containing unclean foods and was told to eat. Three times, he was shown the sheet and three times he rejected the command to eat, knowing it was the voice of God. The sheet was withdrawn and the voice ceased to make the demand. The context tells us that Kefa learned that those of the Gentiles who accept the faith in Yeshua have the same “cleanness” that Jewish people who believe in Yeshua do. It does not show at any time that Kefa changed his understanding of the Scriptural prohibition against unclean foods, only those “laws” and practices that were man-made.

    Christian tradition, like Jewish tradition, tends often to override Scripture when it is convenient to do so.

  9. David benGedaliah

    Thank you for a good study. I will try to keep up with it.

    The Ruach haQodesh encouraged the disciples (Acts 15) to pass on a legal statement with regard to eating meat offered to idols (as well as only three other issues they believed were important to pass on). Paul’s statement (1 Cor. 8; 10) made the point that eating meat offered to idols was just eating meat, and that those who had difficulty were weaker in their understanding and faith. We need to separate between our perceived implications of Scripture and the expressed truth. The truth is consistent from Genesis to Revelation. If one takes a verse out of context to support a false doctrine, it is still false.

    All Scripture is the expressed Word of Adonai, and He neither changes, nor makes declarations He does not mean.

    Moses writes that Adonai declares certain meats to be “an abomination.” Within the context of these declarations (primarily Lev. 11), Adonai tells Israel that they are to be holy because “I am holy.” Are we to believe that those behaviors which Adonai called abominations are now holy or righteous?

    The traditional/historical Christian teaching claims that Adonai declared all foods equally “clean” some 1000+ years after He expressly forbade consumption of certain foods (in perpetuity). If the first claim was true, we could not trust Him to keep His Word to us and we would have to establish our own righteousness (an impossibility).

    In truth, we are using “grace” as an excuse to do whatever is right in our own eyes. It is convenient.

    To be sure, there are much weightier matters. But we must be clear about what we consider the freedom of the believer.

    Is doing Adonai’s will legalism or obedience?

    Just as with the various bodies addressed in the seven letters of Revelation, Adonai accepts me “just as I am,” but He does not expect me to stay there.

  10. Sheila Dale

    The comments left for Sonia Suely at 1:18 a.m. on May 12, 2015, were from Sheila Dale. Unfortunately, I used the Enter key on my compter before completing my name .

    1. sonia suely

      Thanks for the consideration and care for to me, Sheila. I understood the comment was from you, I just was thinking that “Sh” was a diminutive like Jim to James, Bob to Robert.

      And about the Rechabites: there’s only one chaper in the Bible which states about them, it’s in Jeremy 35, mainly verses 18-19. Excuse me if I took so long to answer you here.
