What Is The Morning Star In Revelation 2:26-29?

26 He who overcomes, and he who keeps My deeds until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations; 27 And he shell rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of the potter are broken to pieces, as I also have received authority from My Father…

In a continual series of promises (Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12, 21) to the one who overcomes, Jesus promises nothing less than authority of Israel’s king over the nations of the world promised in the Scriptures. The verse quoted above comes from Psalm 2:9 and as we see from vs. 28 it applies first and foremost to Jesus Christ Himself (See also Rev. 12:5; 19:15). Yet strikingly Christ promises to share his own crown rights with those who will keep his commandments (works) for as long as needed.  

28 and I will give him the morning star. 29 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’

The text that is often quoted in connection with this is 2 Peter 1:19 reads as follows:

“Moreover, we possess the prophetic word as an altogether reliable thing. You do well if you pay attention to this as you would to a light shining in a murky place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.”

But there seems to be little connection with it since here in Greek the word translated as “morning star” is φωσφόρος (phosphoros). The “morning star” in Rev. 2:28 is ἀστὴρ πρωϊνός (aster proinos), which faithfully reflects the meaning of the original. One other Jewish text may shed the light on this issue, however. When the Book of Sirach praises priest Simeon the Righteous, it describes him in very poetic fashion:

“How glorious was he when he looked forth from the Tent, and when he came out from the sanctuary! Like a morning-star (ἀστὴρ ἑωθινὸς) from between the clouds, and like the full moon on the feast-days; Like the sun shining upon the Temple of the Most High…” (Sirach 50:5-7)

Even though the second Greek word (ἑωθινὸς) is not exactly the same as in Rev.2:28 (πρωϊνός) it never the less is fully synonymous with it.

Therefore, the basic aspects of meaning of the concept of the morning star is glory. To receive or to be given the morning star should be understood as a promise of the glorious future, an affirmation of great good yet to come.

Jesus is promising to grant the gift of the morning star to the one who overcomes. In Rev. 22:16 Jesus states that He himself is “the bright morning star” (ὁ ἀστὴρ ὁ λαμπρὸς ὁ πρωϊνός). In short, to anyone with the ultimate faithfulness and perseverance of the overcomer Jesus promises to give a glorious future. They will share it with and in Christ Himself.


About the author

Dr. Eli Lizorkin-EyzenbergTo secure your spot in our new course “The Jewish Background of New Testament” - CLICK HERE NOW

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  1. yetilived

    I have since re- read this article as well as the hidden manna and white stone in a Hebrew time perspective. The reason the word “morning star” is Greek and the “white stone” is Hebrew is because “morning star” is a reference to “authority over the nations”. The white stone is a reference/ Revelation of Jesus.

  2. at

    Morningstar is my solar system

  3. yetilived

    I found the word אילת Psalm 22 ayeleth hashachar / morning star – answered prayers

    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      This is from Hebrew wiki 🙂 Basically the first star of the morning.

      איילת השחר הוא ביטוי בעברית שמקורו מהתנ”ך ושפירושו כוכב המופיע זמן מועט לפני זריחת השמש. זמן הופעת הכוכב מסמן את “האור הראשון של הבוקר.

      1. yetilived

        My language is from Wikipedia lol, my heart is not.

        Exodus 16:7 and in the morning you will see the glory of the LORD, because he has heard your grumbling against him.

        Psalm 3:3But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain

  4. stewartinoz

    Shalom Dr Eli, I thought I would share with you another experience about the Morning Star. Some years ago I had to work on night shift which for me at least was a miserable experience. I was the supervisor for the packing section of the local milk processing company which was a difficult enough job during the day. If I sat down I would fall asleep but once I had got through the period between 2 and 4a.m. I would go outside and look for the Morning Star and the first tinge of red in the sky. This would mean I had almost survived the difficulties of the night and could look forward to the promises of the New Day.
    Best wishes,

    Sent from my iPhone

    1. Sheila Dale

      Stewartinoz, thank you for these words of encouragement. God is so faithful!

  5. Pam D'Rozario (Bishop)

    The Morning star, planet Venus reflects the light of sun in darkness in the darkness of night which to us can represent the fear of the unknown.We see this more clearly in children, the sick and the elderly. Fear of the unknown is a very basic emotion. The Morning Star in earlier times was seen as heralding a new day. Jesus in the vision of John says that he is the bright morning star and that to one who conquers he will give the morning star. This passage refers to the Church in Thyatira which is involved in John’s idea of unacceptable activities by members of his flock. in this article as being both the Morning Star and offering the same possibility to others. So in a way is the Morning Star of God because he reflects the Glory of his Father, like Venus fully reflects the light of the Sun. Jesus has enabled the morning star to rise within him, through the guidance of his Father. If one is to walk this path Jesus known his own potential for darkness through his life experiences. Jesus is an exceptionally gifted human being who would have experienced many temptations to use his capabilities both appropriately and inappropriately. As he says this possibility is there for all but only if one lets the light of morning star(the light of God) see ones own darknesses and murky nature not just thought but our emotions of our darknesses. A long and difficult journey which we can neither manipulate or oversee. The mroning star begins to rise in one’s heart when God sees our readiness and we too then reflect the Glory of God. Jesus is the child of God who has through his own life has shown us the way to be a human being and to reflect the Glory of our Creator, the Uncreated. It is the invitation, the journey and the goal, that I think is the Bright Morning Star. Pam

    1. Bruce Edward Pritchard

      Pam I know this is an old post. I am e lightened y the depth of your post.
      This has sparked a fire of thought in me and supported many of my own conclusions.
      Thank you!

  6. yetilived

    I read that the word morning star is in Psalm 22 in a footnote(?). I can’t read this but here is the word אילת, ayeleth

  7. Hira

    Satan was a evil creature from the beginning as our Lord Says in John 8:44-45 and Job 26:13 # note please read Job from the KJV as other bibles have altered the wording yes God has a special mission for satan the adversary and many other names that he is called by and he always Listens to His creator almighty God then when the almighty returns with His chosen few at the white thrown (second judgement) all of the rest of the human race and angelical s will be Judged in the Lake of Fire this is the second death Acts 17:31 so Brothers and Sisters there is hope for the lost and that is the Lake of Fire and our Lord says in Isaiah 26:9 the whole world will learn Blessings to you all

  8. Hira

    Hi Idala Isaiah 14:12 is not talking about satan go to verse 4 this is who God is talking about the king of babylon and verse 16 tell us that it is a man that God is talking about and not a spirit creature as satan is likewise in Isaiah 28:12 God is talking about the king of Tyrus idala you have to read the scriptures as our Lord says i will reveal it to babes thats us but to them our Lord says he will hide it may the Good Lord give you eyes to see Blessings to you

    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      Yes, quite right, based on the context it is the ruler of Babylon.

  9. ryan71

    Duet. 18:10-12 right before the “You must be blameless before your Lord God.” clause!

  10. ryan71

    I really don’t like that section of Mathew. Mainly, because the book was one of the last Synoptic books and that section is only specific to Mathew. Add the fact that it was written in Antioch during a period of time when Astrology was quite “fashionable” leads me to the conclusion that it is a trendy story. Although, there was a interesting occultation of Jupiter in 6BCE that occurred in the constellation of Aries… problem with that event is that it took place during the daytime and you wouldn’t be able to observe it! That “star” would actually be Jupiter. The Magi would have known about this event as their tracking of the heavens was quite sophisticated at that point… but then a Jew wouldn’t have anything to do with these types of signs as it was forbidden in the Old Testament… can’t remember were off the top of my head.