Armageddon (hebrew Insight)

Armageddon Dr. EliThe word Armageddon has captured popular apocalyptic imagination since ancient times. Armageddon, which is mentioned in the Book of Revelation, became synonymous with the final battle between good and evil (this idea itself is present often in the writings of the second Temple period).

While the word “Armageddon” comes from Greek New Testament it is in fact a Hebrew phrase הַר מְגִּדו – Har Meggido, meaning “Mount of Maggido.” (Rev.16.16) It was an artificial hill (still in existence today) which Solomon’s northern cavalry used to guard the borders of his kingdom.

Armageddon is just one example of transliteration that took place in the Greco-Roman world.  For example, before being transliterated into Greek, the word “Capernaum” was for many centuries simply, כְּפָר-נָחוּם  Kfar Nachum, meaning “Nahum’s Village.”

It’s time for you to better engage with the ancient world; don’t leave it to others to make all the translation choices for you – you can make many of those decisions yourself. Are you ready to begin your journey of deeper engagement with the Bible? If so, click HERE.

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Dr. Eli Lizorkin-EyzenbergTo secure your spot in our new course “The Jewish Background of New Testament” - CLICK HERE NOW

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  1. Robert

    I want full explaination on the word “Amageddon”

    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      Robert, hi. If you explore links in the comments you will have a lot of material to draw upon. Dr. Eli

  2. Nubia Janeth Cepeda

    Shalom from Colombia
    Thanks to share about Meguido. Ii is really interesting . I learning more!

    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      Nubia, I am so glad you are studying with us!

  3. […]  To see original article, visit Jewish Studies for Christians […]

  4. Patrick Payne

    Stephen, Thank you for the encouragement and advice. I am aware of the differences but taking a stepped approach. Mainly because modern Hebrew lessons where easier to access (and free!) when the bug bit me… Then I received the gift of Rosetta Stone. So my immediate path is set and afterward I will be prepared for more. eTeacher will likely be where I turn.

    Blessings to all on this Christmas Eve!

  5. Carmencita Lu

    Dr. Eli,

    Shalom from the Island of Mindoro, Philippines!

    Indeed we need you! To enlighten us ,to teach us and to reveal the truth to us. God bless you more and your entire family.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.


    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      Thank you, Menchu! Don’t we all need one another! 🙂

  6. judith green

    Place names are certainly a source of interaction between Hebrew and Greek. The only mention of “Armegeddon” in the NT is, as you say, in Revelation 16:16, where it is specifically said to be a Hebrew word : Ἐβραϊστί Ἃρ Μαγεδών. “In Hebrew called “Har Magedon”. For an amazing archaeological “revelation” , see the report of the excavation in 2005 of the earliest known Christian prayer hall nearby, at Legio: There was a Roman army camp here and mosaics, with Greek inscriptions naming mentioning a woman who donated a table (altar) as a memorial to the God, Jesus Christ. The fish that adorn the floor of the mosaic became a symbol in Early Christianity—the word fish (ichthys in Greek) making a combination of letters which mean “Jesus Christ, son of God, savior”. What the connection of this pre-Constantinian Christian community was to the site of “Armegeddon” is still a mystery.

    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      Judith, many thanks for your comment.

  7. James Ericksen

    Thanks Dr. Eli,

    I shared it on facebook…….

    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      Great! Thanks. Let’s keep the word spreading. Dr. Eli

  8. Luis R. Santos

    For a while I understood Armageddon to be as you say Har Meggido, the Mount of Gathering, but I applied it to the Temple Mount. But my friend Doug Hamp, who holds a Master from Hebrew University, has another spin on it. I have to dig up his notes and get back to you.

    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      Magiddo itself is of uncertain origins. Read this for some basics –

  9. Patrick Payne

    Dr. Eli,

    Shalom! This is my first comment in the group and I wanted to share that I recently saw something on the archaeology performed at Maggido showing that a large stable existed there which opened into an enclosed training arena- just as many equestrians use today.

    As for learning Hebrew, I requested to join the group for that reason. I had begun by using free Iphone apps (including eTeacher and Ma Kore) and another to teach the Aleph bet. Within a month, just with these apps, I have been able to pick up enough to begin to be able to read and build a small (but progressing!) vocabulary. My progress has been amazing to me because I have tried to learn other languages with little success, but Hebrew just seems to open up to me. So, I received an early Christmas present of Rosetta Stone Hebrew and in less than two weeks with it, I have almost completed Level 1!

    I have an interest in learning Biblical Hebrew which is why I wanted to learn to begin with. I’m a Christian (Baptist upbringing), but I have struggled with the way the Word seems to be blended together with respect to the Jew and the Christian which caused me years of confusion. Still does in some respects. For this reason, I am interested in your group and have enjoyed reading your articles and the comments of others. I’d like to join the fellowship to be found here and look forward to new friendships! Thank you for providing this venue!

    1. Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg

      Thanks, Patrick! Thank you for making your first comment. It is a very good one too. May the Lord continue to bless and guide you. Dr. Eli

    2. Stephen Lockwood

      @ Patrick Pane, I applaud your wanting to learn Hebrew and your work toward that. I also understand your being “drawn” to learn the language that the bible was originally written in, so that you can see for yourself what “the Book” says. And not depend on others to tell you what is written. I too have journeyed this same path. I do caution you on using modern Hebrew tools to try to interpret what is written in the TANAKH (the old Testament to us Christians). There IS a difference between Modern Hebrew (that which is spoken in Israel today), and Biblical Hebrew. If you are really serious about learning Biblical Hebrew, I encourage you to take the courses from e-Teacher. I personally have done this (currently in course C) and it is amazing. The classes are real time, interactive with live teachers. This is important in that you can ask questions, and get live answers. It is also neat that you have class members from all over the world (my current class has members from England, Austria, and USA).

      1. Louie Modling

        Wow! Stephen. I am impressed that you are in the third level course. I imagine that you are very advanced. I do not know much Hebrew (officially), but I have looked up words for the last eight years and have picked up a lot of biblical knowledge by doing it, but I do not have any formal teaching.

        I started studying Torah (and looking up Hebrew words) because the LORD made it clear to me that I was supposed to obey his law (all of it). So I started making the effort. The more I progressed in obedience to the law and commandments, the more the Holy Spirit started teaching me about the Scriptures. After all, it is written “If you love me, keep My commandments and I will pray the Father and he will send you the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth” … he will tell you all things